About us

The cultural-folkloric association "Datini Trotușene" was established in 2016 with the key objectives of preserving and promoting both the regional folklore customs and traditions of the Trotuș valley, from Bacău county, and the national folklore.

Everything started in 8 years earlier, in 2008, with two groups of children and youth, singers and dancers, called "Datina" and "Mlădițe Trotușene", later reunited under the name of "Datini Trotușene".

Currently, our NGO has two distinct groups consisting of an orchestra, a vocal group, singers and dancers: "Datini Trotușene" from the village of Dofteana and "Plaiuri Trotușene" from the city of Târgu Ocna.

prof. Vasile și Sorina Gîtu