Get involved in preserving Romanian traditions: Submit Declarația 230 for Datini Trotușene!


Dear supporters of our culture, folklore, and traditions,

We, the leadership and members of the Cultural Folkloric Association Datini Trotușene, reach out to our community with a heartfelt message and a call to civic action. This message goes out to any foreign citizens working in Romania, by submitting Declarația 230, you have a unique opportunity to support the conservation and promotion of our cultural heritage, at no additional cost to you.

About our Association:

Our organization is dedicated to preserving and enriching the traditions and folklore specific to the Trotuș Valley area. We participate in cultural events, festivals, educational workshops, and programs to preserve folk art, all designed to strengthen the connection between our rich past and the present.

How redirecting 3.5% of your income tax works:

By completing Declarația 230, you can direct up to 3.5% of your annual income tax paid last year to our association. This act costs you nothing, but for us, it means vital resources for the continuation and development of cultural projects.

Simple steps to submit Declarația 230:

Submitting the form is a simple process. You just need to download and fill in the Form 230 using the "Download Form 230" button below. 

For the sake of simplicity in completing it, we have prepared the form already filled out in the section dedicated to redirecting a percentage of the income tax with the details of the Cultural Folkloric Association Datini Trotusene as the beneficiary, so you only need to fill in your personal details, date, and your signature. The form can be sent by email to the address:, or it can be submitted to the local tax administration or sent by mail, depending on your preference. 

The Impact of Your Contribution:

Every amount redirected to us is solely used for the development of cultural projects. This helps us participate in national and international folklore festivals, support local artists and craftsmen, and develop educational programs for young people, all with the aim of keeping our traditions alive.

By the simple act of submitting Declarația 230 and redirecting 3.5% of your annual income tax paid for 2023 to our Association, you have the power to make a real difference in the conservation of the cultural heritage of the Trotuș Valley area. Together, we can ensure that the cultural richness of our region not only survives, but flourishes for future generations.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and commitment to our cause!

With deep gratitude, 

The Team of the Cultural Folkloric Association Datini Trotușene

#DatiniTrotusene #CulturalInvolvement #Declaration230